Humane Technology

Imagine smartphone alternatives

At the core of our approach to your digital interface is Humane Technology, we’re focused on integrating the human factor to mollify doomscrolling. 

Our core purpose is Humane Technology Smartphones, focusing on incorporating the human factor to mollify Doomscrolling

At the core of our approach to your digital interface is Humane Technology, we’re focused on integrating the human factor to mollify doomscrolling. With nearly a decade spent studying our mobile interface challenges, we are primed to revolutionize your company's product with new tech solutions that humanize your digital UIX

Our emphasis lies in developing new tech, solutions that address the digital device interface dilemma, doomscrolling. We possess a profound comprehension of our existing device UIX issues and strive to build humane technology solutions. A synthesis of intelligent form-function design built with efficient strong engineering that can empower your experience,
GearFlo is a forward-thinking UIX, harmonizing People, Earth, and Technology.

GearFlo collaboration program features

Expedite Your Company Innovation
With Our Deep Humane Technology Smartphone Insight.
Almost a decade in the making..

Humane Technology

Developing Smartphone Alternatives to mollify doomscrolling addiction. Learn more about our Humane Technology Smartphones.

Innovation Program

Collaboration, design build test program. Connect innovation with partners. Select strategic industry leaders, professionals, companies. focused on smartphone alternatives.

AI Hardware

Developing an AI hardware support interface assistant.
Enhancement tool that doesn't detract from your focus, & goals.

US Manufacturing

Our team is consists of cutting edge industry manufactures/partners. Bringing together advance automated manufacturing to help empower Americans.

Smartphone Addictions

Our Smartphone Alternatives take Doomscrolling, FOMO, & Brain Hacking seriously. Learn more at

Exclusive Opportunities

Our vision revolves around a shared opportunity, not steeped in greed. But the love and vision to empower Humanity. Opportunities, licensing, partner, investor or?


41% of teenagers feel overwhelmed by the number of text alerts

47% of parents surveyed believe their child has a smartphone addiction

89% of parents take responsibility for their child’s cell phone usage.

Focus Industries

Our team is focused on customizing GearFlo AI Hardware to meet your needs.  Open up opportunities in emerging adjacent markets.

Smartphone Consumer






We're Developing
Smartphone Alternatives

Humane Technolgy Smartphones

Colaboration Innovation Humanity

Together we empower people

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